
About us

DiscLusive S.C.
In september 2006 the student company „DiscLusive S.C.“ was founded by 9 German and 3 Dutch students in order of a project from the „Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economie (FIHE)” in Venlo.
The main goal of this project is to make experiences with the real economie within a multicultural group. In real business teamwork is one of the most important components to act successful in the real economie. This fact should be one of the leading topics within the group works. Furthermore the individual students should improve the own respective skills and should try to integrate this in the group process.
In the first meeting of the group each member was set up in the different positions of the DiscLusive S.C.. They have been choosen on base of their applications and their individuell skills. Coeval the members presented their product ideas. One of the best and innovativst idea was selected after the results of the market researches. Finally a product was selected, which has to be produded, solicited and distributed. The decision decline on the DiscLusive CD-holder for car sunshades.
Here is an overview of our employes.
About us